Good Corporate Governance
The Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors of PT Onix Sekuritas (“the Company”) encourage the implementation of good and responsible corporate governance practices across all managerial aspects of the Company in order to improve its competitiveness. With the commitment from all shareholders, the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors of the Company continue to improve the Company’s corporate governance by implementing the functions stipulated by the regulations that bind the Company’s business activities. The Company’s corporate governance quality was also enhanced by increasing the number of meetings of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors, between the Directors, and between the Directors and the members of the Audit Committee and other units within the Company.
The Company’s corporate governance structure consists of the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS), the Board of Commissioners, and the Board of Directors. Utmost authority and the principal forum for decisionmaking in the Company is the annual GMS, conducted once a year, and the extraordinary GMS, held at any time as deemed necessary. Through these meetings, the shareholders can use their rights to reach a decision and authorize various policies to be implemented by the Company.
The Board of Commissioners has the duty and responsibility to supervise and advise the Board of Directors and to ensure that the Company implements good corporate governance principles at all times.
The Board of Directors shoulders the responsibility to run and manage the Company. The Board of Directors consists of 2 (two) persons.
- Dissemination of corporate governance implementation across all levels in the Company by conducting meetings at least once every two months
- Provision of material and relevant information in an accessible and understandable manner